C.S. Lewis said, “You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.” And that’s what we did when the Department of Justice reached out to us to help make Virginia Silent No More on the opioid crisis. We went straight to social media and turned the idea of an influencer campaign on its head. By tapping into deceased victims of the opioid crisis and, through the help of their loved ones, we are gave them a voice from the grave. Using their still active social media profiles to post the truth about their story, from them. We then broadened their individual network by using friends, family and schools to further share their posts. The posts are aggregated on a microsite created to reinforce the urgency of the message, and allow others to join the fight by through the utility of creating their own custom filter and sharing out. Additionally, on the microsite, we offer resources for help.